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ADAAs Find Your Therapist Directory connects YOU with licensed mental health professionals/counselors, with clinical licenses and who have expertise in anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders.
We are increasing the number of mental health professionals listed. We also list ADAA members who work for behavioral health clinics.
If you cannot find a therapist, contact your medical provider, your insurance company, or other lists of licensed mental health professionals.
- Please note that US clinicians are not able to see clients outside of the US due to licensing restrictions.
- Please note that clinicians in the directory who do not state that the participate in an insurance plan do not take insurance.
Know that you are not alone, and help is available. If you are in crisis call or text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
For the ADAA mental health professionals, this directory also helps you connect with potential patients. To join the directory, contact
The members in ADAA's Find Your Therapist directory are listed for the sole propose of helping the public or serving as an ADAA professional member referral.
The emails of the therapists cannot be used to contact them for any reason other than requesting mental health services or for an ADAA professional member to reach out to another member to discuss a possible referral. These emails are not to be used to solicit business or promote any products. ADAA reserves the right to take legal action if solicitations occur.